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Hey everyone! Thank you for your interest in my modeling career and my fan based website. My name is Molly and I am sixteen, turning seventeen this April. In my free time I like to watch movies, dance, explore, go camping, hike, sing, swim, and of course hang out with my friends and my boyfriend Dan. We spend a lot of time together! We even have the same make/model car… A Honda Accord. The only difference is mine is red, newer, and a two door. We sure are close.

I have a large family; three younger and two older siblings. I am currently living with my great aunt in St. Louis, Missouri USA. I was born in California, lived in Missouri and Florida, and am now back to St. Louis, my home! I love the change of season that you don't get living in Florida. My favorite season of the year is fall because I love the change of color in the leaves and the cool breezes.

My favorites:
  • Color: Purple
  • Animal: Cat
  • Food: Vietnamese spring rolls
  • Article of clothing: My Abercrombie low rise jeans
  • Subject: Math
  • Movie: Back to the Future
  • Music artist/group: Pearl Jam

    I am an exceptional scholar in my final year of high school, and hope to graduate with honors. After high school, I plan to attend a four-year University and then Washington University Medical School here in St. Louis. I want to become a skilled doctor, maybe in psychology or pediatrics. I love medicine and learning new things, so this is my ultimate goal. I know this will take a lot of hard work, but I am committed to this above all else!

    The site has come a long way since the opening in November of 2000. We have welcomed thousands of members and given them the opportunity to get a first hand account of a professional model’s life. I would love to do some fashion modeling and some commercial work, maybe even acting!


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